There is no simple answer to the question, what is the service life of a hydraulic hose? It is very difficult to pin point the exact service life of a hydraulic hose. There are a number of factors at play that affect the service life of hydraulic hose but there is a way around. You can look for signs that can determine if your hose assembly needs replacement.
The signs that determine if your hydraulic hose assemblies need replacement.
- Old Hydraulic Hose Assemblies
- Oil Leaks Around the Hose or Fittings
- Abrasion – Exposed Wire
- Cracked/Damaged Outer Cover
- Kinks – Bend Radius Below Specified Minimum
We will discuss them in detail.
What we definitely know is that the shelf life of rubber hydraulic hoses is 6 years. If you use the hydraulic hose assemblies at the prescribed working pressure, then the hose assembly lasts for a longer time. Anything above or below the prescribed working pressure, affects hose life.
There are other factors too, like the environment, usage method etc which do affect the life of hydraulic hose assembly. You can surely increase the service life of your hydraulic hose assembly by effective hose maintenance. You can check out our detailed guide on hose maintenance.